5760 – 5788 2nd Street, NE
Annual kWh Solar Power Generated
Annual CO2 Offset in Pounds
A solar array containing 2,106 photo-voltaic solar panels covering over 54,000 square feet has been placed across a new white roof. The system’s power from these solar panels will be sold to Pepco customers in the area to offset their home’s energy use with clean, renewable, solar energy. The 842.4 kW system is expected to produce 1,164 Megawatt-Hours of clean energy (1,164,000 kWh), equal to the annual electric consumption for 150 homes resulting in an offset of 1,818,501 pounds of CO2 each year.
The roof was also retrofitted, and replaced with a white roof, allowing for higher reliability and cooler indoor temperatures at the property in the summer. Cooler indoor temperatures will also lead to lower energy use by the HVAC systems.
Read the April 6, 2022 Press Release here
See our Case Study as posted on FacilitiesNet

Project Details
Building Type: Industrial Warehouse
Building Location: Washington, DC, NE
Building Size (ft2): 81,835
Real Property & Energy Solutions’ Role: General Contractor
Energy Impact
Total Number of Panels Installed: 2,394
Total kW Installed: 949
Expected Energy Generation: 1,164,000 (kWh annually)
Projected 25 Year Generation: 30,799,281 (kWh)
CO2 Offset (Annual): 1,818,501 pounds
As a business owner, the economic value and environmental contributions of this solar installation were equally important factors in deciding to pursue this project. Real Property & Energy Solutions handled every aspect of the process and delivered beyond our expectations. As a result, we have a solar installation that will benefit the environment for years to come while simultaneously producing compelling financial returns.”
Rusty Minkoff, Owner Representative