Professional Engineering
Real Property & Energy Solutions offers a range of Professional Engineering services for your commercial building needs. We can assist in understanding where the energy is used in your building and offering solutions to reduce or supplement the energy use. We have experience identifying and reducing energy inefficiencies and offer a wide variety of services. These services start with simply identifying and understanding energy use through Benchmarking and energy data analysis. These services can then grow into energy audits and energy reduction road maps to meet Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS) requirements, cost, or emissions reduction goals. Finally, we can assist our clients in identifying on-site energy generation opportunities and their financial viabilities to potentially reach Net Zero.

The first step in understanding your building’s energy use helps identify whether your building’s energy use is higher or lower compared to its peers and sets a baseline for future goals. Benchmarking can also identify if your building can earn recognition for its energy use if it exceeds its peers. If your building is in Montgomery County or Washington D.C., Benchmarking may be a requirement under the law.
Contact us today if you need assistance with any of the following:
- Complying with Montgomery County or Washington, D.C. Benchmarking laws
- Earning recognition with Energy Star Certification
- Setting a baseline for your building’s energy performance for future goals and targets
- Quantifying your building’s Green House Gas (GHG) emissions
- Tracking energy costs and usage for your companies’ building portfolio
- Following the energy generated from your solar systems
Turn your utility bills and energy use data into something that you can act on for your future building projects with assistance from Real Property & Energy Solutions.

Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS)
Do you know if your building could be subject to future Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) related fines? Need someone to guide you through the new and upcoming legislation on BEPS in Montgomery County and Washington D.C.? Our team members have been involved in stakeholder meetings and have been tracking the BEPS legislation from the start. We offer a range of BEPS related services ranging from Benchmarking your building energy use, to identifying inefficient energy use, and, finally, offering solutions to reduce your buildings energy use to meet BEPS targets.

NET ZERO Roadmaps
Striving to reduce your building or portfolio’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions? Have a climate change initiative for your building portfolio? We can help meet your climate initiatives and Net Zero building goals through Benchmarking, energy audits, and identifying potential on site energy solutions to reach those goals. We offer customized roadmaps for your existing building stock to assist you in reaching your energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals.